Ok ok folks I know we've been absent for a while. Life continues you know. The biggest thing going on right now has to do with Hannah's hearing. Well you see when she was born she did not pass the hearing test. We chalked it up to fluid in her ears and since the hospital did not make a big deal of it then we didn't. About a year later, it started nagging me a little so I went in for a follow up. She squirmed so much that a reading was not done. They, again, showed no concern. We moved South, and when Hannah was about 2 her new doctor was concerned about her speech. So we had tubes put in and did about 6 months of speech therapy. It helped a lot! At 5, she needed her tubes replace along with tonsil and adenoid removal. She was such a trouper! All this time, we thought the tubes were going to be what we needed to get over the hump. Wrong, we had a 6 month check up back in early fall. Both tubes were out, ears looked good, but her hearing was not reading at normal levels. This past week we went for a second opinion. They confirmed the first doctor's opinion. She has mild hearing loss in both ears. His best guess is Otosclerosis, but we won't know much more until December when we see the ear specialist.
You know what? We'll take it all in stride. And we are so blessed to be homeschooling.
Hope you get some answers soon. That's got to be frustrating. So glad homeschooling has worked out for you guys!